FLACSO ANDES Andean virtual academic library
The FLACSO Andes project has put forward the objective of creating a revolution within the ambit of Social Sciences research in the Andean Countries and Latin America: a highlyinnovative virtual library, using new information and communication technologies and putting them at service of research in order to strengthen academic exchanges and debate in the Andean Region.
FLACSO Andes is being developed from an integral and modular concept of research offering user-friendly, versatile and actualized virtual tools to the social scientist, and through which can be gained an easy access to specialized information on the thematic diversity related to Social Sciences.
Working areas:
BOOKS: virtual library
Before the vertiginous growth of information, to have access to multiple online documentation centres in the country and region is a competitive advantage in the research process. The virtual library enables the access to complete digital books from various bibliographic funds on Social Sciences in the Andean Region and Latin America.
AGORA, academic debate
An open space for the exchange of research works and documents within and outside the academic community. Researchers, students and academics can upload their works and benefit from external commentaries. FLACSO Andes will also exhibit the latest articles, essays, publications and researches mainly coming from the Andean Region countries. The centre intends to become a specialized knowledge area based on academic dialogue. Now we have 1800 documents.
DIGITAL THESIS FLACSO SYSTEM, journals, newsletters and multimedia
This open repository (Dspace), contend all the digital thesis of FLACSO-Ecuador and the thesis from the other headquarters of FLACSO’s International System. Link: repositorio.flacsoandes.edu.ec. Enables a friendly and efficient approach to a series of resources such as: journals, bulletins, videos, photos, and multimedia, among others, which will provide researchers with multiple specialized information sources.
Latin-American Social Science Search Engine
Is a system that brings together different sources of open access electronic information and offers them to the university community through the Internet. The main advantage of the META search engine is that it widens the range of the search and it increases the results of complete digital texts that can be downloaded for free. Link URL: http://www.flacsoandes.edu.ec/buscador