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Explaining Accessibility and Satisfaction Related to Healthcare: A Mixed-Methods Approach

Pablo Francisco Cabrera Barona, Thomas Blaschke y Stefan Kienberger (publicado en 2023-01-10 por sandra rochina )
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Cabrera Barona, Pablo Francisco, Thomas Blaschke y Stefan Kienberger. 2017. Explaining Accessibility and Satisfaction Related to Healthcare: A Mixed-Methods Approach. Social Indicators Research, 6(2)
Accessibility and satisfaction related to healthcare services are conceived as multidimensional concepts. These concepts can be studied using objective and subjective measures. In this study, we created two indices: a composite healthcare accessibility index (CHCA) and a composite healthcare satisfaction index (CHCS). To calculate the CHCA index we used three indicators based on three components of multidimensional healthcare accessibility: availability, acceptability and accessibility. In the indicator based on the component of accessibility, we included an innovative perceived time-decay parameter. The three indicators of the CHCA index were weighted through the application of a principal components analysis. To calculate the CHCS index, we used three indicators: the waiting time after the patient arrives at the healthcare service, the quality of the healthcare, and the healthcare service supply.